Acupuncture is a treatment that has gained much popularity over the years. Due to its growing popularity, many people assume that the treatment is new when in reality is, it’s been around for a while. It was once used predominantly in Asian nations, and it was only during the 1970s when Americans adapted it.
Today, many people still don’t know much about the treatment and its benefits or methods, which is why various misconceptions have surfaced over time. In this article, we will talk about seven common myths that surround acupuncture:
It’s Painful
This is the most common misconception about acupuncture because of the use of needles. However, the procedure is not as painful as many may expect. The truth is that using needles is relaxing, that many patients fall asleep during a session. This is because the syringes used are extremely thin, and they’re not the same ones used for injections or drawing blood.
The syringes are more similar to pins. Despite a slight pinched feeling while the pins are being set up on the affected area, it will only last for a few seconds, and it’s smooth sailing from there.
It Doesn’t Work
Although individuals who have tried acupuncture have different results and experiences, several studies show its effectiveness. For one, a study done by Penn Medicine involved breast cancer patients who were given Aromatase Inhibitors (AIs) for treatment that causes severe joint pain. The AI treatment was complemented with acupuncture, and it showed a significant decrease in the amount of pain the patients experienced!
Healthcare Professionals Do Not Recommend It
Various medical institutions recommend acupuncture; in fact, the United States military uses acupuncture. These only show that acupuncture isn’t only an ancient folk medicine that your grandparents used—it is truly an effective treatment that is highly recommended by today’s medical professionals. On top of that, even the National Institutes of Health (NIH) funds various clinical research trials on acupuncture.
It Compromises Medications, Physical Therapy, and Other Medical Treatments
If you are currently undergoing treatments to help with any other sickness, rest assured that acupuncture seamlessly with medications and even physical therapy. Yet, you should always remember to ask your doctor for a recommendation because they will know what’s best for you.
It Only Helps With Pain
It is true that acupuncture is helpful in pain, such as joint, back, stomach pains, headache, and even menstrual cramps. However, it can also be used to treat the side effects of chemotherapy, nausea, morning sickness, hypertension, depression, infertility, allergies, and other conditions.
It Has Plenty Of Side Effects
No, acupuncture has few to no side effects. After your session, you can directly carry on with the rest of your day as if nothing happened. There are also no restrictions you need to be mindful of after a session.
Its Effects Are All In The Head
Did you know that the effects of acupuncture are far from psychological? If you feel relief after it, it’s not all in your head. In fact, during a session, studies show that your brain releases chemicals, such as endorphins, which are natural painkillers. This is why you will eventually have less pain after the treatment!
Many scientific search results have backed up the effectiveness of acupuncture, and they have debunked many myths that have held people back from enjoying the benefits of this treatment. For this reason, if you are considering having acupuncture but are still skeptical about the misconceptions that you’ve heard, consider this guide as your go-signal to book that appointment and experience the soothing effects of this treatment.
Centre Street Physio is an acupuncture clinic in Calgary, AB. We provide the very best bio-mechanical assessment, manual therapy, rehabilitation, and complimentary general healthcare to ensure that your treatment and recovery are successful. Get in touch with us today to make an appointment!