Acupuncture requires the use of needles, which can be intimidating for those new to the treatment. The mere notion of needles deliberately breaking your skin as a form of relief can seem unthinkable, especially for people who find needles frightening. There’s also something daunting about the use of needles penetrating your nerves, but acupuncture doesn’t have to be terrifying.
Most people enter treatment rooms trembling in fear, only to come out right after feeling better than they have in years. So long as you get the facts right, you’ll understand that your fear of needles is nothing compared to the relaxation after, especially after that tight spot around your neck disappears after months of pain.
Although undeniably beneficial, acupuncture appointments still need ample preparation. You’ll want to ensure that you enter the room with a calm mind, so any concerns and questions you may have must be answered beforehand. This allows you to enjoy your experience better, as there are so many ways you can make your acupuncture session more memorable.
That said, we’ve gathered three of the best tips to help you be well prepared for your acupuncture sessions—study them carefully:
Allow Your Body Proper Nourishment
You may be dealing with a queasy stomach, most likely due to the prospect of needles penetrating your skin soon. However, it’s never a good idea to come to your session on an empty tummy. Make sure to eat a hearty and healthy meal an hour or two before your scheduled appointment. Leaving your body without ample nutrients will leave you feeling clammy or lightheaded, impeding your body from fully enjoying the benefits of the treatment.
On that note, it’s also best to avoid eating a heavy meal right before your session. Keep in mind blood is needed by your organs to function, and having a massive pool of it dedicated to your stomach and liver after a large meal will prevent your other body parts from benefiting.
Do Not Consume Any Stimulants Such as Caffeine or Alcohol Before Your Treatment
Acupuncture helps your body enter a mode of relaxation and calmness, which helps your Qi flow better. The acupuncture process helps your body achieve this relaxed state by increasing the neurotransmitter adenosine in the brain.
Having stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol, or other drugs can hinder your brain’s absorption of this neurotransmitter, so having stimulants before your acupuncture appointment can reduce the desired effects.
Come with an Open Mind and Be Patient
While acupuncture offers a host of benefits and relief, it’s not unusual to be stressed when it’s been a while after your first appointment. Acupuncture, after all, is not a one-time-big-time solution to your pain, tension, and stress.
It’s best to keep track of your stressors in between your sessions, and report them to your acupuncturist. Keep yourself relaxed, open your mind, and trust that you will progress during the process.
Making the Most of Acupuncture Benefits
Although it may seem like it, understand that acupuncture does not necessarily operate on one-all-be-all rules. What works for another may not work for you, and vice versa. Your body is different from others, and acupuncture understands that.
Its beauty lies in its ability to compromise, so make sure to meet it halfway by understanding the basic rules. You just need to prepare your body well—eating proper meals, avoiding stimulants, and arriving with an open mind. In doing so, you make your experience well worth it.
If you’re on the hunt for the best acupuncture clinic in Calgary, Centre Street Physiotherapy & Wellness Clinic is the place to go. We make use of a multidisciplinary approach, ensuring that our patients get the best possible care. We offer biomechanical assessment and other services, including acupuncture, massage therapy, naturopathy, and many more. Reach out to us today to learn more.