Dry needling is a technique that addresses musculoskeletal injuries and dysfunctional movement. A trained physical therapist inserts a thin filiform needle and targets the trigger points to begin pain relief and healing.
How Acupuncture Relieves Back Pain
While it doesn’t seem to knead the pain away, this traditional therapy can do wonders for easing inflammation and releasing strain
If you’re wondering how this Chinese medicine can be an effective remedy for your back pain, here’s how science backs it up
3 Undeniable Health Benefits of Dry Needling
Many people opt to have a dry needling procedure done because it is a non-invasive, low-risk treatment. The process involves inserting small, thin needles in specific parts of the body to alleviate pain and help the body with the recovery processes
Debunking 7 Common Myths About Acupuncture Our Guide
Today, many people still don’t know much about the treatment and its benefits or methods, which is why various misconceptions have surfaced over time. In this article, we will talk about seven common myths that surround acupuncture
3 Ways to Maximise Your First Acupuncture Session
Although undeniably beneficial, acupuncture appointments still need ample preparation. You’ll want to ensure that you enter the room with a calm mind, so any concerns and questions you may have must be answered beforehand
Our Services Include:
Restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness, or disability through movement and exercise, manual therapy, education, and advice.
Reduce pain and improve well-being, employing techniques that involve needles to stimulate specific points on the body.
Chiropractic Care
Focus on the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially the spine.